Community Engagement Kaupapa Support
Tāwai Takapiri Connect Futures NZ Trust partners with schools serving low income communities to support the development of a long-term community engagement kaupapa.
This kaupapa generates enhanced kura capacity and sustainability as a result of connections with and contributions of the school’s wider ngā tāura community.
Tāwai Takapiri offers a variety of community engagement support services tailored to each kura and its ngā tāura community.
Kaupapa - principles and ideas which act as a base or foundation for action.
Working together with schools
Tāwai Takapiri Connect Futures NZ Trust works alongside Tumuaki and kura community engagement champions to design, implement and bring their ngā tāura engagement kaupapa to life.
Four essential components are necessary to ensure the effective establishment of the community engagement kaupapa:
- Commitment of Board of Trustees
- Enthusiastic, positive, supportive Tumuaki leader
- Part-time Community Co-ordinator connected to the kura and its community
- Tāwai Takapiri Connect Futures NZ community engagement expertise, guidance and support
Mahitahi – working together
Community engagement support services
Community engagement support services offered by Tāwai Takapiri Connect Futures NZ include:
Tāwai Takapiri Connect Futures NZ Trust works alongside tumuaki and kura community engagement champions to design, implement and bring their ngā tāura engagement kaupapa to life.
Mentoring advice and guidance
TTCFNZ advisors support school leaders to assess current community engagement capability and develop tailored kaupapa plans, systems and initiatives.
Resources, tools and templates
Selected resources, tools and templates enable Tumuaki and Community Co-ordinators to plan, develop, implement and monitor an effective community engagement kaupapa based on proven best practice systems and processes.
Regional Networking Huis
Regional Networking Huis provide regular opportunities to share your community engagement initiatives and learnings with other Tāwai Takapiri members in your region. These casual huis are valuable sources of inspiration and support.
Tāwai Takapiri Whānau Wānanga (Two day events)
Biannual Whānau Wānanga events offer Tumuaki and Community Co-ordinators from Tāwai Takapiri schools enriching opportunities to connect, share and learn with colleagues from other state schools serving low-income communities throughout Aotearoa. Wānanga events are hosted in off-site locations over two days.
Special Community Project Support
Advisory services include facilitation support to assist with the design and planning of special community and legacy projects such as reunion events; community events; kura rituals and traditions; school history publications; memorabilia displays and fundraising initiatives.
For more information on how a community engagement kaupapa could benefit your kura, rangatahi and community, contact us at info@connectfutures.org.nz
Tāwai Takapiri is committed to a vision of ALL young people being exposed to possibilities that inspire their ambition and self-belief.
Kura Memberships
Tāwai Takapiri offers a variety of community engagement support services tailored to a kura and its ngā tāura community.
Advisory services, resources and networking opportunities are provided on a subscription-basis at a cost of $2,500 per term for a minimum two year period.
Kura with limited financial capacity are able to apply for subsidised memberships.
Kura membership grants are funded by community funding trusts and commercial sponsors.
If you are a school trustee or senior leader interested in learning more about how a community engagement kaupapa could benefit your kura, please contact Executive Director, Vicki Fowler at vicki@connectfutures.org.nz
If you or your organisation is in a position to support the grants that enable more schools to raise their capacity and capability as a result of an integrated community engagement kaupapa, please contact Executive Director Vicki Fowler at vicki@connectfutures.org.nz