We support state schools to establish thriving community engagement kaupapa based upon ngā tāura connection and contribution.
kaupapa - principles and ideas which act as a base or foundation for action
ngā tāura – former students, staff and members of the kura whānau.
Community Engagement in Action

Blues at Māngere High School
Blues player and All Black, Ofa Tu’ungafasi, returns to his kura Māngere College, to gift several pairs of Blues rugby boots and to connect with current students and his former teachers.
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Papakura High School 50th Reunion of 1970 Moascar Cup team
Papakura High School celebrates the 50th Reunion of their inspiring 1970 Moascar Cup team.
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Career pathways – Tamatea High School
Career pathways opportunties showcased by a former student at Tamatea High School
Learn More91% of teachers said connecting with former students boosted students’ confidence
Working together with schools
Tāwai Takapiri Connect Futures NZ Trust works alongside Tumuaki and kura community engagement champions to design, implement and bring their ngā tāura engagement kaupapa to life.
Four essential components are necessary to ensure the effective establishment of the community engagement kaupapa:
- Commitment of Board of Trustees
- Enthusiastic, positive, supportive Tumuaki leader
- Part-time Community Co-ordinator connected to the kura and its community
- Tāwai Takapiri Connect Futures NZ community engagement expertise, guidance and support
Mahitahi – working together